The Committee
Harrold Pre-School is a registered charity run by a committee of elected parents/carers. The committee consists of a chairperson, a secretary, a treasurer and up to 12 members and is responsible for reviewing both policy and practice, and for the employment and appraisal of members of staff. They are the responsible body for the Pre-School and together they oversee the smooth-running of the setting. This can mean anything from coming-up with fundraising ideas, building new partnerships with other parents and professionals or getting exciting plans off the ground.
It is vital for Harrold Pre-School to have a committee as it is a charitable organisation and without the committee the Pre-School would not be allowed to operate. We are always looking for new committee members and we would be delighted to hear from you if you were able to volunteer a few hours a month. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Harrold Pre-School or one of the current committee members. If you have anything you wish to bring to the committee’s attention, or any questions, please chat with any of it’s members.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM), at which the committee for the following year is selected, is held in September and parents will be informed in good time so they are able to attend. Please consider volunteering for a role on the committee during the time your child is at Pre-School. Not only is it essential for the running of the Pre-School but it is a great way for you to become directly involved in your child’s early education.
Nikki Webb – Chair
Liz Hirst – Treasurer