About Harrold Pre-School
Established in 1965, Harrold Pre-School is a busy and popular community group in Bedfordshire that provides pre-school education for children prior to them starting at primary school.
We are a non-profit making organisation and a registered charity run by an elected voluntary committee of, in the main, parents and carers of the children currently attending pre-school. Our aims underpin our philosophy of providing a service run by the community for the community
Located in the heart of the village in a permanent position on the same site as Harrold Primary Academy, we have our own outdoor play area and operate full day care. Currently due to COVID and the amount of people allowed on the school site at one time, our hours are 8.30am until 12.30pm Monday and 8.30am until 2.30pm Tuesday to Friday, linking the morning (8.30am until 11.30am) with an optional lunch club (11.30am to 12.30pm) to extend the morning session.
We currently charge £15.00 per session (£30.00 per day) and an invoice is raised at the beginning of each half term. The Lunch Club is an additional £5.00 when extending a morning only session.
The term after their third birthday, children are offered the Nursery Education Grant of 15 hours (five sessions),or funded code for 30 hours which can be spread out across the week enabling flexibility.
We have spaces for children from the age of two and a half and offer places in line with the two-year-old funding scheme aimed at low income families and looked-after children.
The Pre-School is divided into two groups (Dolphins for two and a half to three and a half year olds and Sea Lions for three and a half to school age). Although all children take part in similar activities, the two groups, enable a gentler settling in approach for the younger ones and allows us to offer more structured activities for the older children, promoting independence and helping to support ‘readiness for school’. The groups regularly separate for outdoor play, special events and outings.
The Pre-School has excellent links with other village amenities, and the children are welcomed by the fire Station, the local allotments, garage, shop and Country Park.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum which continues into the reception year of primary education and have excellent links with local Primary Schools to help provide a good transition for children entering their reception class. These schools feed through to the highly popular Sharnbrook Upper School.
Through monitoring and evaluation, the Pre-School constantly reviews the quality and range of services available to families and staff. We have had a good Ofsted inspection report and are members of the Early Years Foundation Stage Forum which provides advice and guidance on all aspects of the Pre-School.